Join us to make caring visible, valued and supported

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What is Carers Week?

Carers Week is an annual campaign to make caring visible, valued and supported. It highlights the challenges unpaid carers face and recognises the contribution they make to families and communities across the UK.

Why get involved?

Carers are often invisible. They feel isolated and lonely at times. Yet they do so much for their loved ones that would cost the NHS a small fortune if they didn’t. Many have to give up work, face relentless hospital appointments and 24/7 schedules. This is all done silently, as they face daily uncertainty about their future.

How to get involved? We’ve made it easy for you.

After Umbrage is joining the national conversation taking place across the UK for Carers Week. We’d like you to join us too. This page is devoted to Carers Week and makes it easy for you to get involved. It includes material you can share across social media platforms with the expressed aim of recognising, respecting, and supporting unpaid carers. We want to raise awareness of the amazing work they do for their loved ones and the huge contribution they make to the UK economy. It is the equivalent of a second NHS no less.


These resources are created for you to share across the social media platforms of your choice. You will see many people using #CarersWeek and similar to join in.

Share The Bear Video

We’re encouraging people to #ShareTheBear to raise awareness of After Umbrage.

Download Share the Bear video here

You can help build awareness and share our post on 

You’re also welcome to post the video yourself – you can tap to download a copy here or get in touch with us.

Download Video


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Carers Stories

We’re also looking to raise awareness of the amazing work our beneficiaries do for their loved ones by sharing their stories.
To do this we’d love you to share some of our stories below on your social media or with friends and family. Not only will this help connect After Umbrage with unpaid carers but it will also show recognition of the amazing work our carers do.


Simply copy and paste the below on the social media channel of choice.

Story One – Atiq Hassan

Atiq Hassan felt pulled towards After Umbrage.’It is because the charity understands that caring for a loved one is very emotional and difficult,’ he said. ‘I was drawn to After Umbrage like a magnet.’ Our stay at Kingham Cottage was wonderful. #CarersWeek  #ShareTheBear


Story Two – The Thompson Family

‘Parenthood is a journey many enter into with a preconceived idea of how it will play out. We have a destination in mind for our family. However, the birth our 3rd child, Ellouise (now 4) changed all this,’ says Emma Thompson, beneficiary of After Umbrage. #CarersWeek  #ShareTheBear


Story Three – Kingham Cottage Poem, by Sarah Porter

A beautiful sanctuary full of bliss

a time to breathe, a space to be

a cradle of comfort for my family and me

built of stone, supported by oak

you give out strength to caring folk

like an old friend who listens and gives a hug

my memory and you shall not be apart

A poem by Sarah Porter written whilst she was staying at Kingham Cottage with her family. #CarersWeek  #ShareTheBear


Thank you for supporting Carers Week with us.
Every conversation, every social media post and every share of our video will make a difference.
They are all small steps that together make a louder noise.
Thank you from the After Umbrage Team – Tara, Tracy, Cath and Kate