We firmly believe that if more people knew about After Umbrage and the good work we do, we would have the support we need to expand our operations and bring help to the members of communities all over the UK who work so hard to care for those they love in their final days.
If you would like to help but can’t spare a lot of money just now, one of the best ways is to let others know about us. If you have access to a publication, or know someone who is willing to provide publicity for a good cause, please contact us and let us know. Even a mere website link can bring attention our way, and make the important work we do that much easier.
Shout out on Social
You might not think it, but even liking and sharing our pages on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter can make a massive difference. The more people that know about our charity the better so please, share our pages and invite your friends and family to like them. That way we can connect with beneficiaries and spread our message – and the best bit, it’s absolutely FREE!
Umbrage the Travelling Bear
From time to time, our mascot, Umbrage the teddy bear, has helped us raise awareness of the work we do to support unpaid carers. We invite you to support unpaid carers with fundraising too. And your teddy bear, like Umbrage, is the theme to get you thinking about a fundraising project.
Umbrage loves to go on holiday. He enjoys spending time resting, or being with friends. It might be on the beach, going for walks or spending time in the garden.
All the things us humans love doing.
After Umbrage is all about taking a much-needed break. We ask for your help to reach more people with this message. That, creating happy memories with family and friends really matters. It makes people smile, it boosts wellbeing, it helps us recharge our batteries to continue our work – whatever form that might take. Can you take photographs of your teddy bear when you are out and about? It doesn’t have to be on holiday.
Can we inspire you to create a fundraising event with your friends and family. It would make such a difference to our beneficiaires.
What prompted you to set up After Umbrage?
Umbrage on Tour
Let’s keep things simple. Umbrage represents all teddy bears who are loved and cared for. So, your teddy bear can participate in this campaign. Here’s how:
- • Take your teddy bear out and about with you – wherever you are going.
- • Photograph him/her with your family or on his/her own.
- • Share your photos on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter and tag @afterumbrage
- • Use the hashtag #ShareTheBear
- • If you prefer, send your photos to us via email to tracy@afterumbrage.org.uk
- • Have fun!
- • And help us reach more unpaid carers, fundraisers, referrers and supporters.
Let’s create some smiles, engage your children, and get them to share our small charity with people we haven’t met – yet!