Welcome to the booking area for Teddy Cottage.
Choose your dates and click on them to book. Only dates in green are available to book.
Add your discount code and click Apply. This takes your booking cost to zero, then click on payment. No payment is necessary – Clicking on process payment will add your booking to our calendar.
Put your feet up. Your dates will be yellow in our calendar. This means they are held for you while we check availability across all channels.
Your booking confirmation will follow shortly.
We are so happy to be busy offering respite but we hate letting people down with availability so apologies if there is a bit of a wait!
Lastly, please add bookings@afterumbrage.org.uk to your safe senders list so we don’t end up in your spam folder.
Next SectionBooking your break is simple follow these steps
Check calendar for availability
Choose your dates – those in green
Add your discount code – for no fee
Click on process payment
Your booking will be added to our calendar
Your dates will turn yellow. We are checking availability across calendars
Your booking confirmation will follow shortly
Check calendar for availabilty
Choose your dates – those in green