Getting to know our team
One way to celebrate our 10th Anniversary is to tell you about the people behind the charity name, After Umbrage. We can learn much about an organisation by getting to know the people that run it. So, here are 10 questions to celebrate 10 years.
Up first is Cath Nicholls. She is our Cottage Manager. She oversees every little detail at Kingham Cottage. Things you would expect – the maintenance, managing the cleaners, dealing with neighbours, banking donations, maintaining the cottage garden. And much more – all making sure our holiday cottage is in its best condition for unpaid carers and paying guests alike.
We had a chat recently and asked her 10 questions. This is what she says.
1.What makes you smile?
Sunshine! Closing my eyes, feeling the warmth of the sun and enjoying my orange eyelids!
2. Who inspires you?
People who are positive and upbeat even when facing adversity.
3. What chocolate would you be?
I couldn’t think so asked my daughter. Her reply: “Marvellous Creations (the Cadbury’s dairy milk bar that has smarties, popping candy and jelly beans in) because you’re smart, fun but have the odd wobble.” I’ll take that!

4. What do you want more of in 2023?
Time on my allotment.

5. Best advice you’ve ever been given?
Don’t worry about what other people think……but I’ve constantly struggled to follow this and only now in my 50’s am starting to get the hang of it!
6. Favourite author, podcast, musician
Podcast : Fortunately by Fi Glover and Jane Garvey
It has (unfortunately!) ended but I’m still working my way through the back catalogue.

7. A non-negotiable thing you do for yourself?
My canal run, ideally twice a week. I love doing the same route, no headphones and appreciating the sounds and sights of my surroundings.

8. Your favourite season and why?
Spring – for the flowers, the warmth in the sun (if it ever shows its face!) and all the potential for decent weather, longer days and more time outdoors.

9. How do you relax?
When time is short, sitting on my bed with a cup of tea and staring out of the window at the view.
If time allows, going for a walk and appreciating nature.
10. Top life lesson to give others
Be kind and be yourself
There you have it – 10 questions to celebrate 10 years
So there are 10 questions answered to celebrate our 10th anniversary. Cath said it was quite an enjoyable process to reflect and consider her answers. You might like to tell us your answers to some or all of these questions. We’d love to hear from you.
More to come…
Up next will be another team member. See you soon!