We are proud to be a small charity and all the benefits this brings our way. Small charities are well known for understanding their frontline and for being responsive, flexible and agile. We get great pleasure from sharing the inspiring stories of our beneficiaries and the social impact of our work. And our work is delivered by passionate people who have lived experience of the challenges faced by the people we serve.
After Umbrage plays it’s part in supporting the wellbeing of carers and endeavours, daily, to reach more carers so that they can benefit. We do this our way – like so many small charities that know how to support their beneficiaries, that understand the difficulties faced each day using this vital expertise to make a difference. We might not have a vast marketing machine but we have a lean business model and are proud of the impressive outcomes we deliver.
We share this mindset with many small charities and today we seek to shine a light on two such examples: Alexandra House of Joy and Changing the Red Lights Green.
We have got to know Alexandra House of Joy as Rachael and Ian Scott-Hunter, their founders, are our beneficiaries and have stayed at Kingham Cottage. They have a vision for an inclusive community where adults with severe and profound learning disabilities can have a voice. The charity is working towards offering a centre in Oxfordshire providing primarily day time support and respite services, driven from their heart felt wish to secure this safe place for her daughter to feel heard, loved and included. You can listen to a news report about their vision here and you can find them on Facebook and Twitter.
Changing the Red Lights Green is supporting people in East Cambridgeshire with learning disabilities, on the autistic spectrum or living with mental ill health to achieve life skills, training, work and fun. They offer innovative and personalised opportunities in a safe environment in their modern barn conversion in a peaceful countryside setting. We hope to meet up and offer our free breaks to many of their carers in the coming weeks. You can join them on Facebook and Twitter.
So let’s add robust, powerful and determined to the lists of benefits for being a small charity. We like to think we are, alongside our two sets of friends.