Rather excitingly, 2023 is our 10th anniversary. We are 10 years old in September but like all good celebrations they take some planning. This is where you come in. Can you be part of our plan to celebrate our 10th Anniversary?
Getting creative
We are proud to have sustained After Umbrage for 10 years. During that time we have given over 1200 unpaid carers a free break at Kingham Cottage. As you can imagine, this doesn’t happen without considerable cost. We need your help to continue our work and help us celebrate After Umbrage, so have come up with ten fun ideas of how to fundraise:
Fun ideas and ways to help
This might help you get creative when planning your fundraising event. Here are ten examples of what you could do:
- Adopt a new good habit for 10 weeks
- A sports day with 10 events
- Have 10 stations on a treasure hunt with Umbrage the teddy bear as the prize
- Create 10 new sandwich ideas, make them to sell at work or take them on a picnic
- Learn a new skill for 10 hours
- Take 10 photos of the Umbrage Bear and post each on your social platform of choice
- An Easter Egg hunt with eggs in 10 locations
- Run, walk, cycle, swim 10 miles or kilometers
- Bake 10 cupcakes, with different decorations, or a teddy bear cake
- Volunteer for 10 hours
There are more ideas on our website here and here. We are keen for Umbrage the teddy bear to be part of fundraising projects – not least because you can buy him from our online shop. He also looks great in photographs for our social media. Please share your wonderful efforts by tagging us and adding #afterumbrage and #ShareTheBear.

Some projects might be work related, others might be for families and children. Either works well for us. In all cases, we urge lots of photos to be taken as your fundraising will help us write up case studies to inspire other organisations and groups to plan their own.
Behind the scenes approach
These are all activity based projects and we are mindful that doesn’t suit everyone. So here are some ideas for those who prefer a more ‘work behind the scenes approach’ that are equally helpful.
- Research and write a strategy to help After Umbrage win legacy donations from people who have experience of caring. This is something we have long wished we could adopt but we are not rich in resources.
- Network on our behalf to introduce us to organisations – perhaps like the one you work for – that are aligned with our values of kindness, giving back and personalised service. As a small charity, our network is also small. We have found that personal introductions to local and like-minded people have been where our greatest success has come. It’s no surprise to you that our work is largely about good relationships.
We hope this helps to get you thinking – coming up with their own ideas for fundraising and supporting After Umbrage.
We are ever grateful for your support and help. Our Valentine’s Ball this year is a great example of like-minded people gathering to support a cause in need. Where’s your little crowd of people who want to support unpaid carers and give them a thank you for the amazing work they do for their loved ones, their community and the UK economy. Without them, the UK would be £132 billion worse off EVERY year.