We are number 3 of the best charity holiday stays in the UK according to The Guardian. The author, Rhiannon Batten is a journalist, and author with a focus on travel, sustainability, design, food, and parenting. Rhiannon explains that booking a stay at one of her recommended holiday places will be a contribution towards a worthy […]
Random Act of Kindess Day
The 17th February is Random Act of Kindness Day. It’s a day when we are encouraged to perform kind gestures – for no other reason than to help brighten someone’s day. Why are we celebrating this day? Kindness is a core value of After Umbrage. It makes perfect sense for us to mark this day […]
Join us on World Smile Day
The smiley face we all know, love and use constantly with our messages to friends and loved ones was created in 1963 by an American man called Harvey Ball from Massachusetts. His concern to keep the meaning of the smiley face authentic – rather than commercialised – brought him to the idea of World Smile […]