After Umbrage – the charity that cares for carers – is delighted to announce the launch of their new website. It has a fresh look and is loaded with photographs of our carer beneficiaries. Furthermore, the user-friendly layout makes it easy to access our service. Especially, the people caring for loved ones living with a life-limiting condition. The benefits are manyfold. Allow us to spell them out.

Short Referral Form Download Button on Every Page
Accessible from every page of our website, we want to make it as easy as possible for our network of Carer Support Organisations to find and download our referral form. This is the gateway to a free break and the vital verification of each applicants caring role by independent professionals. GPs, staff working at hospices across the UK and people working for charities supporting unpaid carers, like us but in different ways, can all access our referral form with ease.
Fundraise for Unpaid Carers
As we invest in marketing, our cluster of supporters is growing. We want to make it easy for them to fundraise on behalf of unpaid carers. There are some really easy options that take close to zero effort that we have pulled together for you. The middle ground is covered too, with online shopping at the heart of easy fundraising via Amazon Smile and EasyFundraising. For those eager to take on a personal challenge, we’ve offered you some options for that too. Naturally, these are on hold during the Coronavirus Pandemic. But we look forward to these opportunities becoming available as soon as possible once we adjust to the new ‘normal’.
Paying guests can book Kingham Cottage via out website too
We cover the majority of our running costs with the income generated by paying guests staying at Kingham Cottage. In the past, the only way guests could book their stay was via the website of our business partner, Classic Cottages. This has now changed. The two different routes – for carers and paying guests -are explained clearly. We include links to the relevant booking and calendar pages on four pages: Home, The Story, About Us and The Cottages. Have a browse and see how easy we’ve made it for you.

New Illustrations, Design and Build
We would like to thank Sarah Webb from The Little Design Studio for designing the new website and for creating the beautiful new illustrations by hand. The illustrations ensure the look and feel of the original website are carried over to the new one. Umbrage, the Founder’s Mother’s teddy bear, features regularly which caries the After Umbrage brand across to this new website. Ben Hemery and Adam Mould of Dream-Digital also deserve a thank you. They have built the website to Sarah’s design incorporating all the clever SEO facilities that make websites effective.

Photograph Collages
Our team particularly likes the new collages of photographs. Importantly, this has given us the chance to share photographs of beneficiaries, visits to Carers Hubs, fundraising snaps, and of course more photographs of Kingham Cottage. Also, it shows the variety of work and fundraising we do. We invite all our carer beneficiaries to send in their photographs. Rest assured, to add them and keep changing the collages from time to time will be a pleasure. Just email the highest res images you have to
Can we have your Feedback?
Anything digital and new needs testing and tweaking. This site is no different. We can learn from YOU. What would you like to see on this site that will help you? What interests you? Have we overlooked any important details of Kingham Cottage? Is it easy to access the availability of the cottage? Have we made the application process clear? Is the site navigation easy to follow? Can you find everything you want? And anything else for that matter. Please get in touch via
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