Brainstrust is a UK wide brain tumour charity and a community, which helps thousands of people who are affected by a brain tumour diagnosis. They have been part of our growing referral network since 2016 and continue to refer their beneficiaries to us for a free break at Kingham Cottage. Thus, we’d like to shine a spotlight on the Brainstrust and their wonderful work.
Live better with your brain tumour
Over 60,000 people in the UK are living with a devastating brain tumour diagnosis. With it comes fear, isolation, a loss of control, and complex and harmful treatment. Brainstrust helps people live with their brain tumour and support is available to everybody affected by any type of brain tumour. In their words, ‘they help people live better with their brain tumour’.

Their impact
- Last year they helped 1,042 directly with coaching. Their beneficiaries are reporting a 28% improvement in feeling part of a community and a 22% improvement in feeling less alone.
- They sent out 846 brain boxes to help people feel more resourced and more engaged with the community.
- To help people feel less alone, Brainstrust hosted 47 events across the UK attended by 483 people. They have 2560 people in their online community to help each other to feel less alone.
The Stories – shine a spotlight on Brainstrust
Living with a brain tumour is a very personal thing. People say it’s isolating and it’s the little things that change that are difficult to deal with. It’s all consuming too. Some can’t stop talking about it. In their words…
Want to support Brainstrust?
There are so many ways to get involved and make a difference to this community. Their website is full of ideas, news and suggestions. For example, you can volunteer, join an event, fundraise at work, host a tea or G & T fest, set up a legacy, or create your own event. Check out these ideas.
Want to join our Referral Network?
Our network is organic and we are making new connections weekly. Established organisations are hearing about After Umbrage and our free breaks for carers as we share our stories on social media and via our monthly newsletter. If you want to join our referral network, please get in touch by emailing and sign up to receive our newsletter.