Every two years, After Umbrage is proud to host its Charity Valentine’s Ball. It is our flagship fundraising event that raised over £9,000 in previous years. This year? Well, of course, we have to do something different. So that we still mark the occasion of Valentine’s Day, we put our thinking caps on and came […]
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SubscribeFamily time together whilst at Kingham
For unpaid carers a night of unbroken sleep is a rare treat. Also rare is a day without a schedule of administering medication, using specialist equipment such as hoists, lifting and pushing wheelchairs, and providing nourishment, sometimes in the form of specialist feeds for tube-fed loved ones. That said, probably what is missed the most […]
I was drawn like a magnet to After Umbrage
Atiq Hassan felt pulled towards After Umbrage. ‘It is because the charity understands that caring for a loved one is very emotional and difficult’, he said. ‘I was drawn to After Umbrage like a magnet.’ ‘Our stay at Kingham Cottage was wonderful.’ Atiq, originally from Karachi, Pakistan is a registered carer for his daughter who […]
Thrilled to stay at Kingham Cottage
Suzy Piazza and her family are one of 190 carer families who have visited Kingham Cottage. She was thrilled to stay at Kingham Cottage and has kindly written this blog post for us. She captures her thoughts to share with other carer families who are coming to stay. In so doing, she also sheds light […]
A Break for Carers, Before Caring Breaks Their Relationships…
A recent study conducted for Julia’s House, has revealed some powerful statistics on the effects of caring on relationships. These statistics highlight just how important it is for carers to take a break. Caring is a full time role, and it’s all consuming – both physically and psychologically exhausting. The research found that 64% of divorced or separated parent […]