Anthony from Manchester is the main carer for his Mother, Margaret who has vascular dementia. He says, “I hate the word Dementia”. It is a cruel disease. His Mum often says, “I have this thing in my head.” Pointing to her head, she knows something is wrong. Anthony and his siblings don’t want his Mum […]
Run for After Umbrage
There are lots of different reasons why people run for charity. Some run for a cause they care about, or that is close to their heart. Others run in remembrance of a loved one or friend who was supported by a charity’s good work. Will you run for After Umbrage? Then, let’s face it, some […]
Easy way to help unpaid carers
Want an easy way to help unpaid carers? And get that warm fuzzy feeling that comes with doing a good deed for others in need. There is a very simple way. Book Kingham Cottage for a holiday during Winter 2023. It’s an idyllic cottage near the City of Bath set in the beautiful countryside of […]
Life as an unpaid carer by Jane
Jane and her son, Louis, who is 15 years old, are from Paignton, Devon. He has high functioning autism (used to be called Aspergers), ADHD, anxiety, and OCD. She talks to us about her life as an unpaid carer and how she loved her stay at Kingham Cottage this Spring. ‘If I don’t do it, […]
Family that crosses three generations
We are proud to introduce to you, a family that crosses three generations. At the helm are Brian and Janet who are from Portsmouth. Brian and Janet have recently enjoyed a break at Kingham Cottage. We met Brian through one of his daughters, Janine Collier, who works for Tees Law. It is a Top 200 […]
Business support from Cpl UK
Business support and fundraising from Cpl UK
Share the Bear for Carers Week 2022
Do you remember our Share the Bear campaign last year for Carers Week in June 2021? Well, we hope so. And we are back with more. What is Carers Week? Carers Week is an annual campaign to raise awareness of caring. We highlight the challenges unpaid carers face and recognise the contribution they make to […]
Fundraising for After Umbrage
We were delighted when Bethan Williams announced that she was fundraising for After Umbrage and The William Templeton Foundation for Young People’s Mental Health (YPMH) jointly. At the end of April, Bethan got in touch to say that she was training for the London 10K on Bank Holiday Monday 2nd May. She did marvellously and […]
Fundraising events for runners and more
As you may know, the London Marathon ballot results were released recently. As a result, we’ve been busy sourcing events for those runners seeking an alternative race to take on in 2022. There are fundraising events for runners and those seeking an adrenaline rush. There is something for everyone. We’ve been in touch with our […]
Random Act of Kindess Day
The 17th February is Random Act of Kindness Day. It’s a day when we are encouraged to perform kind gestures – for no other reason than to help brighten someone’s day. Why are we celebrating this day? Kindness is a core value of After Umbrage. It makes perfect sense for us to mark this day […]