The 17th February is Random Act of Kindness Day. It’s a day when we are encouraged to perform kind gestures – for no other reason than to help brighten someone’s day. Why are we celebrating this day? Kindness is a core value of After Umbrage. It makes perfect sense for us to mark this day […]
How does Sam Woodfield’s brain tick?
We chat to Sam Woodfield to learn more about how his cycling brain ticks. We want to learn more about how Sam has reached this point to take on the 1,000 km cycling challenge starting on Tuesday 28th December. He is doing this challenge to support families whose loved ones have suffered with cancer. And, […]
Meet the Bath University Project Team
Let us introduce Lucas Spencer of Stratford-Upon-Avon to you. He is part of the Bath University project team that chose After Umbrage to raise awareness for and to fundraise. He – along with Jack, Lily, Dom, Marta, and Grace – has been introducing After Umbrage to a new audience. That audience is university students and […]
Dominic and Lily support After Umbrage
We are proud to introduce you to two more members of the Bath University Team. They are part of the team supporting After Umbrage. It’s part of their third-year Business degree course. They have chosen After Umbrage to help us raise awareness with a new, younger audience and to fundraise for us. Dominic and Lily […]
Jingle & Mingle – An evening with After Umbrage & Mintridge
Monday, 29 November 2021, 18:30 Join local charities, After Umbrage & The Mintridge Foundation to kickstart your festive cheer with bubbles & mince pies. Jingle & Mingle with us for an evening with two charities. Thank you very much to Brew Babu for kindly hosting our event. Monday 29th November 2021 18:30 – 20:00 Brew Babu 6 West St, […]
Meet the Bath University Team
We are delighted to share with our readers that a group of six Bath University students has chosen After Umbrage for their third-year university project. Their objectives are to raise awareness of our charity and to fundraise. Their enthusiasm to support and extend the reach of our work is having a great impact and we […]
Six families awarded free breaks
Kingham Cottage welcomes carers for a free break
Hannah Roberts donates to After Umbrage
One of our amazing beneficiaries, Hannah Roberts and her family have made a donation to After Umbrage. They gave us a special mention at their son, Elijah’s baptism. Their family and friends have made the donation collectively. We thank them warmly. To accompany their donation they sent a heart-warming note that we’d like to share […]
Kingham Cottage builds Carer Resilence
Kingham Cottage in the July sunshine. It’s here to build carer resilience.
After Umbrage Combats Loneliness
Our beneficiaries say that caring for their loved ones is extremely rewarding. But it also brings many challenges. The loneliness that carers experience is caused by a variety of different challenges. And these are, more often than not, out of their control. They may be too busy that they have no time or energy left […]