Kingham Cottage welcomes carers for a free break
Combatting Loneliness for Unpaid Carers
What is loneliness? It is experienced by 8 out of 10 unpaid carers according to recent research by Carers UK. And our beneficiaries experience it daily. It’s an emotion After Umbrage is acutely aware. Every day our work involves combatting loneliness for unpaid carers. How do you define loneliness? Loneliness is defined by researchers as […]
Helping to Combat Loneliness for Carers
We laugh. Nearly cry and we definitely have fun! All within our community of carers and with the amazing support of The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS). Their collaboration with The National Lottery Community Fund brought funding our way. We pressed on the day we heard the good news. Since, we have […]
Informal digital coffee breaks
We are excited to announce that the Government is funding our new project for unpaid carers. We will be hosting informal digital coffee breaks with our community of beneficiaries. There will be an opportunity to meet other carers facing different but similar circumstances. There will be a chance to support one another with advice and […]
Top Tips to Book a Break
Beneficiaries of After Umbrage are carers of loved ones living with life-limiting conditions. For them, life contains perpetual rounds of hospital visits, form filling in, and sleepless nights. They worry about what the next day will unfold. They are constantly on the go, feeling unwell themselves but have no time for self-care. Furthermore, often they […]
Kingham Cottage is a bereavement resource for carers
Bereavement is hard to talk about. Losing someone who is close to you can be devastating. And if you have been caring for that loved on, even more so. Because we understand this, we want to remind our community that Kingham Cottage is available to carers during their first year of bereavement. We are a […]
After Umbrage announces Family Umbrage
Hello 2020 and hello Friends and Beneficiaries of After Umbrage, What does a New Year and a new decade mean to you? Lots of things no doubt. A new beginning. A chance to learn a new skill. A new focus. The opportunity to develop a new habit – like dry January. Perhaps break a bad […]
Maggie says her greatest joy is that Daniel has grown to be a polite and creative young man, facing life bravely and cheerfully
Beneficiaries of After Umbrage are a resilient little crowd. Behind their stoic fronts lie amazing stories. This is the tale of the Raja Family of a small village on the Isle of Anglesey, North Wales. Daniel Raja was born with only half a functioning heart and other complications. The condition is called Hypoplastic Left Heart […]
‘I love being part of the After Umbrage story’
Vanda Rorbach, beneficiary of After Umbrage, became a carer for her Mum, Lynne, six years ago. Lynne has frontal temporal dementia and last year was diagnosed with cancer. Her Mum has never smoked and doesn’t drink so it was a huge shock. As a very active woman all her life – sometimes holding down two jobs […]
Andre gave up his career, lifestyle and ambitions to care for his parents
“I’ve given up my career, lifestyle and ambitions to concentrate on caring, initially for my disabled Dad, and in recent years since his death, I’ve put this time in for Mum. She is my angel and the most precious thing in my life.” Andre Tarassians, Beneficiary of After Umbrage Stories such as Andre’s need to […]