This year, World Mental Health Day falls on Thursday 10th October. It presents a perfect opportunity to praise and thank the many charities, organisations and the NHS for their work. Time to Change, the campaign that pledges to end mental health stigma, Heads Together with patrons, Prince Harry and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge […]
Top Tips to make booking a break easier for carers
Beneficiaries of After Umbrage are carers of loved ones living with life-limiting conditions. For them, life contains perpetual rounds of hospital visits, form filling in, and sleepless nights. They worry about what the next day will unfold. They are constantly on the go, feeling unwell themselves but have no time for self-care. Furthermore, often they […]
Relief of suffering for those who care
The essence of Sue Ryder and her dedication to the relief of suffering is in evidence everywhere at St John’s Hospice near Moggerhanger, Bedford. There is a warmth that the social workers, staff nurses and volunteers embody and it was a complete pleasure to visit this month. We were invited to give a talk on […]
Boost your mood and bring your dog to Kingham Cottage
Science is helping us understand that our relationships with our pets come with some pretty powerful mental and physical health benefits. Dogs and cats in particular can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, ease loneliness, encourage exercise and playfulness, and even improve your cardiovascular health. With this in mind, we will be welcoming new guests with […]
After Umbrage reaches carers by linking with hospices
In the Autumn of 2017, After Umbrage won funding from The National Lottery Community Fund. Subsequently, our focus has been to reach more carers so that they can come and have a free break at Kingham Cottage. One strategy has been simple: we reach carers by linking with hospices to build relationships. The people working there support […]
We are on the BBC
It was our radio debut for After Umbrage yesterday and we enjoyed a little moment of fame as we were interviewed by Jeremy Sallis on his lunchtime show on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire. It was a great opportunity to talk to people living, working, visiting and studying in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough and tell them our story. We explained […]
Alexandra taught Rachael patience
Our loved ones teach us many coveted qualities and for Rachael, Alexandra taught her patience and enabled her to develop the power of courage and determination. Alexandra is ‘a force and a very strong character’ according to Rachael and her husband, Ian, who have cared for her every day of her 46 years. Alexandra Scott […]
Time to celebrate – The Big Lottery is funding us again!
At the end of August, just as the new school year was about to commence, we received the best news. The Big Lottery Fund via their Awards for All scheme has awarded After Umbrage a grant for a new media campaign to reach more carers. The grant will be published on The Big Lottery Fund […]
A passport for carers to look after themselves
Thursday 5th July will bring back memories of being a very special day for After Umbrage and it’s all down to the wonderful, warm welcome we were given at the Peterborough Family Carers Hub organised by Arda Lavelle of Carers Trust Cambridgeshire, Peterborough, Norfolk (CTCPN). It was their second meeting and we were invited to give […]
Beneficiaries tell us a stay at Kingham Cottage improves their wellbeing by 125%
Our beneficiaries have been helping us capture vital data – both quantitative and qualitative – to demonstrate the social impact of our work. They have given us a fascinating insight into the effects and benefits of a free stay at Kingham Cottage , our idyllic cottage near Bath. It gives us great pleasure to share these […]