After Umbrage makes a return visit to Cambridge to invite unpaid carers to Kingham Cottage and tell them all about the free holiday they can apply for. We visited the Carers Hub in Girton, Cambridge this week. It was a ‘welcome back’ by Laura Horne, Family Carer Coordinator at Caring Together. After Umbrage first met the […]
Maggie says her greatest joy is that Daniel has grown to be a polite and creative young man, facing life bravely and cheerfully
Beneficiaries of After Umbrage are a resilient little crowd. Behind their stoic fronts lie amazing stories. This is the tale of the Raja Family of a small village on the Isle of Anglesey, North Wales. Daniel Raja was born with only half a functioning heart and other complications. The condition is called Hypoplastic Left Heart […]
‘I love being part of the After Umbrage story’
Vanda Rorbach, beneficiary of After Umbrage, became a carer for her Mum, Lynne, six years ago. Lynne has frontal temporal dementia and last year was diagnosed with cancer. Her Mum has never smoked and doesn’t drink so it was a huge shock. As a very active woman all her life – sometimes holding down two jobs […]
National Stress Awareness Day
National Stress Awareness Day provides people with an opportunity to think about their wellbeing and find advice or support on managing stress. This year it falls on Wednesday 6th November. There will be a lot of information available online that day. It will focus on helping us recognise what’s making us stressed. The advice will be to […]
World Mental Health Day 2019
This year, World Mental Health Day falls on Thursday 10th October. It presents a perfect opportunity to praise and thank the many charities, organisations and the NHS for their work. Time to Change, the campaign that pledges to end mental health stigma, Heads Together with patrons, Prince Harry and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge […]
Carers’ wellbeing gets a 100% improvement
The purpose of After Umbrage, the charity caring for those who care, is to boost carers’ wellbeing. We measure this by talking to our beneficiaries and running an annual survey. This year they tell us that after their free break at Kingham Cottage their wellbeing improved by 100%. Largely, we anticipate the feedback that a […]
Happy 6th Birthday After Umbrage
This September, we celebrate reaching our 6th Birthday. Wow. It is a special milestone for any charity, business or organisation. It feels like someone telling us that we are doing something right. And for us, that is simple. It is to care for those who care. Unpaid carers often soldier on in silence We acknowledge […]
Parent Carers are at the Centre of our Work
Family Voice listens intently to the needs of parents and carers of children and young people aged 0—25 years with a disability or additional needs. Like us, they put parent carers at the centre of their work. In their case, helping them to be heard. We were delighted to meet Katie Barnett and Asta Remezaite of […]
Relief of suffering for those who care
The essence of Sue Ryder and her dedication to the relief of suffering is in evidence everywhere at St John’s Hospice near Moggerhanger, Bedford. There is a warmth that the social workers, staff nurses and volunteers embody and it was a complete pleasure to visit this month. We were invited to give a talk on […]
After Umbrage joins the ‘Big Support Small’ Campaign
Today we add our voice to the Big Support Small Campaign because the support we get from big charities is an integral part of our success as a small charity. Why? They make up the referrer network that supports us. This network includes GPs, hospices and charities serving carers. They serve carers in different ways […]