Kingham Cottage is a bereavement resource for carers

Bereavement is hard to talk about. Losing someone who is close to you can be devastating. And if you have been caring for that loved on, even more so. Because we understand this, we want to remind our community that Kingham Cottage is available to carers during their first year of bereavement. We are a […]

It’s Children’s Hospice Week

This is a special week of the year that we down tools and shine a light on Children’s Hospices. It’s time to celebrate the amazing work they do for tired Mums and Dads. The work they do for brothers and sisters who are feeling angry, lonely, or confused. And, for the whole family during the […]

2 Minutes to help Carers

* Announcement * We thought you’d appreciate an update about the Movement for Good nominations that you kindly supported us with. Sadly, we have not been successful winning one of the 500 awards for £1,000 each. Amazingly,13,695 charities were nominated by 253,879 members of the public. They have wished us good luck next time. Thank […]

Walk for Cancer Related Causes

Has cancer touched your life? Do you walk for pleasure and health? Could you walk for Cancer Related Causes? If yes, we ask you to join us for the Non-Dorset Walk. Interestingly, the Dorset Walk raised £50,000 and involved 400 people last year. This year, the goals of the walk are unchanged. To support cancer […]

New Website for After Umbrage

After Umbrage – the charity that cares for carers – is delighted to announce the launch of their new website. It has a fresh look and is loaded with photographs of our carer beneficiaries. Furthermore, the user-friendly layout makes it easy to access our service. Especially, the people caring for loved ones living with a […]

Comfort is our Focus

These are very worrying times. They have resulted in huge changes in the way we live and work to keep us all safe during the coronavirus outbreak. We are in this together and we hope you feel some comfort from that. Indeed, comfort has been the focus of After Umbrage since our outset in 2013, […]

5 Things you may not know about After Umbrage

After Umbrage won funding in December from The Big Lottery Community Fund. Woohoo! Naturally, we were delighted with our early Christmas present. Since then, we’ve received many more referrals and our cottage is nearly fully booked for 2020. It shows our awareness campaigns are working and there are lots of carers and their families in need […]

The Struggles and Joy as a Carer

We started Katharina’s story in Part One and here we are catching up with her to capture her positive approach to life. She tells us of her joy as a carer. You may recall, Katharina and her son Jan, are the first international carer family to visit Kingham Cottage. We are proud to continue her […]

After Umbrage Welcomes First International Carer Family

This month, After Umbrage welcomed our first international carer family to Kingham Cottage. Katharina and her eldest son, Jan are from Berlin. They heard about us via a Facebook Group for parents whose children suffer with the same rare chromosome disorder as Katharina’s son, Mattis. Life at home is stressful caring for Mattis and Katharina’s […]

Easy fundraising for After Umbrage

We acknowledge that fundraising can be time-consuming. Some events require you to devote large amounts of energy training to improve fitness levels. So for those of you struggling with this, we have some answers. Here are some easy fundraising ideas – quick wins We want fundraising to be fun, as little effort as possible and […]