After Umbrage is proud to announce a new partnership for 2021 with Don’t Tone Alone CIC (DTA). DTA provides social impact through meaningful wellbeing services, such as online exercise classes. They cater for those with long-term conditions and disabled people, as well as unpaid carers. There is a class for everyone. These range from those […]
Meet Fran our new team member
We are delighted to introduce to you our new team member, Fran Soanes. Originally from Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk, she joins us bringing her expertise in data capture and administration and is managing our holiday cottage bookings for unpaid carers. Her role is very important to us as she helps manage the data we […]
Caring at Christmas is lonely and worrying
Carers UK has released a new research briefing about how carers are feeling about Christmas. They are asking for support in sharing the findings from the research. We want to do our bit and ask that you share this with your network too. We know that caring at Christmas can be a lonely and worrying […]
Family time together whilst at Kingham
For unpaid carers a night of unbroken sleep is a rare treat. Also rare is a day without a schedule of administering medication, using specialist equipment such as hoists, lifting and pushing wheelchairs, and providing nourishment, sometimes in the form of specialist feeds for tube-fed loved ones. That said, probably what is missed the most […]
Supporters’ generosity has impact
Unpaid carers face daily challenges and perpetual uncertainty about the future. This takes resilience in abundance. After Umbrage, the charity that cares for those who care, recognises this, and everything we do is channeled towards giving unpaid carers a free break. It’s so that they can rest, and restore their energy. A break results in […]
It’s our Birthday!
It’s our Birthday! We are 7 years old today. Happy and proud with much to reflect on and loads to look forward to. Reaching 7 years is a great milestone for any charity, business or organisation. It feels like a milestone of success. We think that’s down to our very simple mantra – to care […]
Take a Break for Carers Week
This Carers Week (8th to 14th June) we invite you to take a break, relax, and join our Virtual Coffee Break. Enjoy your perfect cup of coffee knowing that you are helping to provide a free four-day break for unpaid carers. They contribute so much to their loved-ones, their families, and communities. So join us […]