We are proud to be a small charity and all the benefits this brings our way. Small charities are well known for understanding their frontline and for being responsive, flexible and agile. We get great pleasure from sharing the inspiring stories of our beneficiaries and the social impact of our work. And our work is […]
A long awaited honeymoon for our new friends
A very warm welcome awaits everyone at the Cancer Wellbeing Centre on the Peterborough City Hospital site. There is kindness and understanding that is at the heart of everything the friendly staff do – and the importance of their role cannot be over stated. At The Robert Horrell Macmillan Centre on the 18th October we […]
Hospice Care Week: 8th to 14th October 2018
What does hospice care mean to you? We’ve heard many different answers from ‘Happy, sociable and peace’ to ‘Living, tissues and home’. Like the people the hospice cares for, the vareity of answers are special, important and personal. Hospice Care Week is an opportunity and an excuse to talk about the extraordinary work that hospices […]
Time to celebrate – The Big Lottery is funding us again!
At the end of August, just as the new school year was about to commence, we received the best news. The Big Lottery Fund via their Awards for All scheme has awarded After Umbrage a grant for a new media campaign to reach more carers. The grant will be published on The Big Lottery Fund […]
Chatting to beneficiaries uncovers findings
We talk to our beneficiaries all the time – to see how we can help them, to learn about the real benefits a stay at Kingham Cottage brings and we are keen to understand our social impact. Don’t get us wrong… we know we make a difference as it shows in every communication we have […]
Three cheers for Nick
We are delighted to share that a very kind supporter of After Umbrage, Nick Goodchild, has been fundraising for us. He is an avid cyclists and loves a challenge so he took on a Century Ride – a 100 miles across Norfolk. That wasn’t the only test he faced as the weekend he completed his […]
A little bit famous
There’s something really quite special about being featured in a magazine and having the opportunity to tell your story. It is this lovely feeling that Tara Belcher, our Founder, is experiencing as her story of After Umbrage is featured in the August edition of lifestyle magazine, Nene Living. You can read the full article here. […]
Thanks Giving After Umbrage Style
The 31st July 2018 marked a special milestone for After Umbrage. It’s the end of a very happy and successful funding period with the support of The Big Lottery Fund. Our aim with the funding has been to raise awareness of our free breaks for carers at Kingham Cottage and we have much to be proud […]
A passport for carers to look after themselves
Thursday 5th July will bring back memories of being a very special day for After Umbrage and it’s all down to the wonderful, warm welcome we were given at the Peterborough Family Carers Hub organised by Arda Lavelle of Carers Trust Cambridgeshire, Peterborough, Norfolk (CTCPN). It was their second meeting and we were invited to give […]
From Drinking Pints to Running Miles
Time seems to fly by these days and suddenly I was begrudgingly toasting my fortieth birthday with a bunch of fantastic friends. I am lucky enough to have kept in touch with some wonderful mates from college and we reminisced about the happy times mostly spent at the bar. It is amazing how quickly […]